Thursday, August 31, 2006

A Special Welcome

I am officially blogging again after taking a break to move to my new city, and I want to give a special welcome to my family and friends who will start reading my blog now! I am going to continue using this blog to help other minority (and non-minority) nursing hopefuls with their nursing school/grad-nursing school process, but also to keep my family updated on my life all the way over "here."

Following in the footsteps of thirddegreenurse, who's blog is listed at the right, I am going to use a specific color for nursing/nursing school related info. This is so that people who are not interested in my clinical experiences (ie: how many adult diapers I had to change, vomit I had to wipe up today, etc) can skip over that medical mumbo-jumbo!

But anyway, my life this week has been hectic! Monday thru Wednesday, my orientation lasted from about 8am to 5pm. Man those were some long days, especially a 4-hour technology boot camp, and a 3-hour orientation to my first nursing class, MED SURG (medical-surgical nursing). Today we were "free" to go get a million and one things done, including:

immunization check-offs
HIPPA training (online)
bloodborne disease training (online)
clinical practice training (online)
registration forms signed after meeting our advisor for the year
and getting started with our blackboard modules (all classes have online components, other students will know what I'm talking about, but basically you online and print everything you need for the class - HASSLE)

Me and N have been very proactive and already have some of this done!

I also have to do some paperwork so my husband can get an ID so he can start using the services offered by the university, too!

Not to mention I already have tons of reading to do, but that's my life for the next 11 months.

My schedule for now thru December looks something like this:

Mondays: class from 8am to 3pm
Tuesdays: Clinical shift (clinical means go to the hospital and practice nursing)
Wednesdays: Clinical shift
Thursdays: class from 8 am to 3 pm
Fridays: class and clinicals, but only "sometimes" YEAH, we'll see.

I also have a workstudy job, but I don't know the schedule for that yet!

Again, welcome family and friends, and WELCOME BACK to my blogger friends who might (hopefully??) have missed me!

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