Monday, March 26, 2007

A Monday in the Life

Today was long...I started with class at 10am which continued until 4:40 (after not getting home from school until 1:30 this morning - which was fine because I knew I could wake up late) and then to work, so right now I'm getting to that exhausted state. I have work until 10pm which means it was a 12hour day for me.

Tomorrow is worse because the day starts at 8am and doesn't end until 10pm.

But I am still loving my new classes, especially Maternal Newborn.

Today was the first day of Issues in Nursing, and it seems good enough...a paper worth 70% about an "important nursing issue" and an online quiz at the end worth the other 30%. I can live with that.

After 3 hours of creating med charts on common OB meds, I still have 15 meds to seems like there must be an easier way, but I haven't found it yet. Maybe I'll send the chart to my study partner and let her fil out the rest...

I need to mail some documents all over the place, finish my taxes, and fill out a renewal FAFSA all by Wednesday, which is a little overwhelming...but there was great progress made in housework because I have family visiting this week which has really lifted my spirits! I have so much planned and I need to study hard for the next coupole of days so I can take the rest of the week off and really enjoy her visit.

So much to little time...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, the exhaustion of nursing school - still such a vivid memory!
It's like "I am SO TIRED, but it's a GOOD kind of tired." I still feel this way juggling online classes and new grad stuff at work.

Hang in there! :)