Friday, January 12, 2007

New Job

Um yeah, ok. I said a friend had a great post up about midwives and fear, and then didn't give you the link! Well it is from Bellytales: Student Midwife, and you can see it here. She really is an excellent writer.

In other news, I got the library job, and I start Tuesday. My main requirement when searching for a job was that I be able to do my homework while at work. The library is perfect for that.

I have a Psych clinical site orientation today, then a trip to human resources to fill out some paperwork, then Student Health for my last Hep B shot, and finally to the library to study for my Pharm exam this upcoming Tuesday. I'm not ready for Pharm, it's been 4 weeks since I looked at a page of Pharm notes. I have a lot of memorizing to do.

Apparently school is in full swing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi! Thanks for the nod and the compliment. I've added your to my blogroll too. Nursing school is one of the worst parts of the journey. I can't wait to read about your adventures once you get to midwifery school. I think you'll enjoy it so much more. Best of luck to you! I'll certainly keep reading.