Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Are you our teacher?

The Pharm final was this morning. It was supposed to start at 8am. When I arrived in the parking lot at about 8:10, she was walking up to the school. She's always late (hence why I was late). However, she did not enter the classroom until 8:25, and when she did she looked confused...like crazy woman confused...looking under cabinets, walking around tables...crazy. Then she asked us if we knew where the exams were. I'm sure my facial expression spoke volumes, so it's good that I sit in the very, very back of the classroom. She left the room (presumably to look for the exams) and came back without them saying that they weren't where they were supposed to be, and did any of us know how or where she could make copies? The whole time I felt like I was in a time warp...the combination of sleepnights studying for finals (although I didn't really study for Pharm) and overall tiredness/frustration with this particular class just full cirlce and I was thinking "This is not happening. I am imagining this, I haven't woken up yet." I think the class was thinking the same thing. There was discussion of a walk out, but I knew no one would move. But we did fill out our evaluations right after the test and I don't think that helped her at all.

There's so much going on that I'm overwhelmed. And tired.


SNM YEAH!!! said...

you got pharm prof. issues also? Today my pharm professor informed us it was her last day teaching henceforth we still got two weeks before dreaded final and HESI. Supposedly she's bee removed due to many complaints from student of her teaching incapabilities.

Anonymous said...

UNBELIEVABLE. That is just ... wow.

It will be good to go HOME! :)