75 NCLEX-style questions. Please realize that when one actually takes the NCLEX exam, there is a strong possibility that they will finish the exam after 75 questions. The NCLEX is the national test taken by RN canidates to prove their knowledge, and upon passing it, you receive your RN licensure. All that to say, the questions were hard. They say we don't have grades (that's another story for another post) and so you just have to "Pass" it. I guess we'll receive some grade sheet in our mailboxes today that tells us whether we passed or failed. I don't expect to fail, and I dont' want to be suprised. But there were a lot of questions that I didn't know the answer to. I was able to reduce the 4 possible answers down to 2, but after that I was still guessing. At any rate, it's over now and the outcome is unchangable. Thanks to N (my HBCU grad neighbor friend) I was able to go home for lunch and take a nap before having to come back to school.
Now I have
2 whole days to cram for PHARM. It's really not my style to cram, but I really had to study for Med Surg - to the neglect of studying for Pharm. Here's the thing: I only have two classes on which my fall semester's grade will be based - Med Surg & Anatomy. So my whole "GPA" depends on Med Surg (Anatomy is going to be an easy pass - the tests are take home). in order to qualify for some of the scholarships i want to apply to, I need a "High Pass" (HP) in Med Surg. I will also
want a HP in Pharm, but that grade isn't given until next semester, so it's less important. And, they drop the lowest test score, I hear. I hope this plan doesn't backfire on me.
I also have to find something to take the Midwifery potluck tonight, go get my patient assignment from the hospital for tomorrow's clinical, and ...GASP...do a careplan tonight. Uggh.
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