We have cable. And a home phone. And .... THE INTERNET! Aren't we progressive? LOL It really is a little shocking that we went this long without it all because we really do like TV, and not having a computer with internet last semester was really a setback. (Did I mention we bought a computer last week?) I mean really, I was missing out on a lot of last minute information before exams because people like to send out emails at 2 am while we're studying...and whenever I needed to use the computer to study I had to go to school for the entire 4 or 5 hour study session. Whether or not I will be able to concentrate enough to actually study home will be another issue...
But I am glad that now I can record all my favorite TV shows while I'm studying, and watch them all on the weekend without any guilt! Oh, and I get to watch Oprah again! I've missed an entire season already! I could have done without the phone, but the package deal was cheaper than the cable and internet alone...I really don't understand that, but whatever.
It's a happy day in this house! Can't wait until the man gets home...he might even drop a tear for the cable - he's been waiting sooo long! LOL
PS: Mama, Oaxaca is in Mexico! (Not *that* far) Go
here to learn about it!
you beat me on the cable part, since I moved I neva got it figuring I wouldnt have time to watch tv. I got the house phone only because I needed a land line for the alarm system to work in my apartment. I went a whole quarter before getting the internet. Now I watch the shows I miss online, like ANTM, Grey's and House. Enjoy the technology!!!
Hooray for TV and internet access! =)
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