Random stuff I read (or re-read) on the internet last night...
~Michale Moore's new film, Sicko, has been successfully pirated and put up in its entirety on YouTube. But of course they keep removing it as soon as it's put up...but why? especially when Michael Moore had this to say:
"I don't agree with the copyright laws and I don't have a problem with people downloading the movie and sharing it with people as long as they're not trying to make a profit off my labor. I would oppose that ... I do well enough already, and I made this film because I want the world to change. The more people who see it the better, so I'm happy this is happening." (Full Article)
"I don't agree with the copyright laws and I don't have a problem with people downloading the movie and sharing it with people as long as they're not trying to make a profit off my labor. I would oppose that ... I do well enough already, and I made this film because I want the world to change. The more people who see it the better, so I'm happy this is happening." (Full Article)

~In class today we (again) talked about poverty in Africa, Kenya to be exact. The topic was global health care and community health. All that was going through my head was...are there not any other poor nations in this world? And when does my lecture on domestic poverty come? I won't hold my breath. Look at this chart comparing the living wage vs. the minimum wage in Omaha, NE and then check it out for your city, too.
~I want my class, in the absence of real discussions on the topic, to just read this page for their own knowledge. What a nice, neat little overview. And if you have more time, check out the resources from which the page was created, especially this one which we never talk about.
~I forwarded this nifty little resource about racial and ethnic health disparities among women to my friends and one of my teachers. I have a friend whose research interests concern Asian/Pacific Islander women's reproductive health and the lack of research documenting it. So when I looked at this chart, what I immediately noticed was that there were no statistics available for this population. According to her, this is not unusual.

All of the pictures for this post come from these articles. I just love this last one!
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