School's out. I've been a hermit for days. I mean seriously, as in haven't left the house. It's felt so good, too. I have managed to cook everyday, but that's about it. I really should scrub the house before we go on vacation Thursday so I don't have to do it before school starts. That "we" is still questionable since he hasn't gotten all of his days off yet.
I've been thinking about how I am supposed to be moving over to the other blog since I am done with the nursing portion of my midwifery program. That blog is titled minority midwifery student. I named these blogs this way so that they are easy to find on a Google search. It's hard to let go of this thing...I've had it since 2005. But I have to because I need a fresh start. Before I do, I am going to be adding labels so that new folks can easily find what they need, and new blogs as references even though I personally might not have frequented them so that this place ends up being as comprehensive as possible for future nursing students.
Hi pecola, I have been a lurker for some time now and I wanted to say thank you so much for the information and caring enough about other students to post not only your experiences but also tips and advice. It's very much appreicated.
I will be starting nurshing school this september and I cannot wait. I will use your site over over again I'm sure.
P.S. I've always been interested in birth...and think that I might go into midwifery some time after finishing nursing (hopefully).
Hi Pecola,
I am starting an accelerated BS-MSN program next week!!! I am specializing in midwifery as well. Do you have any advice, I am extremely nervous as I don't know what to expect. I also wanted to know if your program required PDAs. My program does not require them until your specialty year, but my phone contract allows me to upgrade in Nov. so I was thinking about getting one early. Come visit my blog ashley's anatomy, and I really hope to hear from you.
Other minority nursing student ;)
I have decided that my break was successful when I honestly didn't know that today was a weekday until about 2pm, when I realized I was hungry and decided to make a tomato sandwich.
Hope your vacation is great - and that you both get to go!
Hey folks! Thanks for stopping by!
I'm glad this blog helped somebody, it makes me feel better about moving over to the new one!
Lonesome Dreamer: Go for it!
Ashley: I'm coming to stop by your blog...
That Big Girl: Where ya been?!! LOL
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