Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Anatomy & Physiology...

is kicking my butt. This class is hard. Memorizing every bone and muscle in the body is nearly impossible. Not to mention the body's functions, etc. I am doing well, but only because I have no life outside of this class. What's working?

1) A good study group. Me and three other black girls formed a study group to combat the feelings of isolation related to being some of the very few brown students in this class of a few hundred students. IT REALLY HELPS to have people calling you to make sure you're coming to class, dragging you to the lab to study extra outside of class, and pick you up/congratulate you when you get your grades! (Also, I find it nearly impossible to stay up past 10 o'clock without at least one study partner. But with them, I can easily stay up until 1 or 2!)

2) Staying on top of the material. There is no falling behind in reading for this class, it will be hell to make up. As soon as you don't understand something, you must be viligent about finding the answers before the new material is added.

3) It's hard. Period. The best thing you can do to get over this is to tell yourself that YES, it is hard, but SO WHAT??? Despite what the stats. say about brown people and science, remind yourself, everyday if necessary...

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