Friday, December 02, 2005


on admissions decisions is torturous.

I am an English major at a public university in my last year of my undergraduate program. I have applied to three Ivy-League schools for Midwifery- I will refer to them as Ivy1, Ivy2, and Ivy3. Ivy1 is my first choice school, and so on. I will also apply to a public university early next year. For the application process, I used the online admissions route for each school that allowed it (2 out of 3) and filled out the paper one with a black fountain pen - typing it was just too much trouble as it is hard to find a type writer nowadays! I had to pay the application fee for each school (between $50 and $65 per school) because *NONE* of the schools had fee waivers. I asked for my recommendation letters well in advance, as well as my transcripts. **I collected the letters from each of my professors and mailed them in myself** I had my essays looked over by *more than one* person that I trusted to be honest and critical.

What worried me most during the time before I sent in the applications:
Those darn GRE's!!!!! I was petrified of taking that test. I just never felt ready. My goal was 500 VERBAL and 500 ANALYTICAL, the WRITING I wasn't worried about. I read on one of the school websites that they found these scores to be "competitive," so that's how they became my goal scores. I studied for the math by memorizing the important formulas. I studied for the vocabulary by memorizing prefixes and whole vocabulary words, and also by simply reading more scholarly articles on the internet. I ended up going above and beyond my goal scores!

What worries me most now?
Getting in, of course. I am worried that my GPA isn't high enough to be competitive (it took me a minute to get serious about school). I am worried because soooo many people apply for sooo few spots.

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