Tuesday, September 05, 2006

First Day of School

It is *finally* over.

It has been the longest day ever. I called a shuttle at 7am for a ride to school, and from 8 to 3:45pm I was in class, with the exception of a 30 minute break for lunch.

If you'd like to understand how busy I'll be, imagine this:

In a "normal" BSN (Bachelor of Science in Nursing) program (4 years long), a student will clock 800 hours of clinical.

In less than one year, we will clock 700 hours.

So to all those people who think we aren't really getting the experience we will need, I say "get over it." We're doing everything you're doing, just in fewer hours and a shorter amount of time. It's terribly hard, but that's what I signed up for.

The last two hours of my class was actually a panel discussion given by all the living deans of my school. Pretty neat, although heavy in history.

I also learned that according to a yearly GALLUP poll, NURSING has been *THE* (as in #1)most trusted profession every year since the second year they started the ranking. Only once have we tied for first, and that was in 2001 (ie. the year of the WTC) where we tied with firefighters! I can't think of anyone else I'd rather tie with.

Gotta take a nap.

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