Wednesday, April 25, 2007

It's All A Distraction

Everything's a distraction right now. Maybe I need to go into a serious hibernation or something. My finals are on Tuesday and I can't concentrate to save my life. I tried to make a list of things that I felt like I needed to do to help me calm down (get clothes together for the week, organize all my notes and study materials, answering emails that have been nagging me, etc. etc.) but the truth is that it is all a distraction (a friend told me this in reference to something else, but right now it's giving me perspective on this)...I'm procrastinating. I'm procrastinating because I am sick of school, and I am sick of memorizing without learning, and I am tired.

No matter what I do, I am never going to be ready to fully dive into these books, until I dive into these books. At least I have been consistently studying for finals for the past two weeks and nothing will be brand new when I read it tonight.


SNM YEAH!!! said...

sharing the exact same feelings, but I promised myself that I'll start tomorrow. I've been taking a whole bunch of naps, my excuse is I'm storing up energy(hint hint procrastinating). I'll be putting you in prayer, my midterms start on Monday. We can do this!

kati b said...

bless you for this post - it was the first thing I saw when thinking I might just check some blogs instead of switching from Patho to Health Assessment studying...

back to neoplasia!!!

I also wanted you to know that I told my study group about your use of affirmations before studying for that horrific class (biomed?). They giggled nervously, but I've planted the seeds, and maybe we can actually use the idea together. It's hard to listen to them talk about how hard this is, and how they feel unsuccessful. I can do that on my own, and I need to NOT indulge in that kind of thinking!

with love, kati